Installation - Minecraft Plugin

Before using SDonate with a Minecraft server you must install the SDonate Minecraft plugin on your server.

1. Extracting the plugin

If you haven’t already, download SDonate from ScriptFodder then open the “sdonate-minecraft-plugin” folder and extract “SDonate Plugin.jar” somewhere on your PC, preferably on your desktop for easy access.

2. Upload to your server and configure

Upload “SDonate Plugin.jar” into your Minecraft server’s plugin directory then restart your server. You will probably get a lot of errors, don’t worry, this is normal. In your Minecraft plugin directory there should be a folder called “SDonate_Plugin”. Open this folder, and inside there is a file called “config.yml”. Edit this file, making the following changes:

  • Next to URL write the URL to your pluginapi.php file. If you installed SDonate using the free included one-click hosting and setup, go to and go to your account page, you will see the URL next to “Plugin API URL”. If you installed SDonate’s website on your own web server, the url is http://<yourdomain.tld>/<yourfolder>/pluginapi.php, so if my domain was “” and the folder SDonate was installed in is called “donate”, the URL would be
  • Next to Plugin API Key write your SDonate API you generated earlier. You can get it from your account page at
  • Next to IP write the IP of your Minecraft server. This must be in numeric form i.e. “” and NOT a domain like “”.
  • Next to Port write the port your Minecraft server is running on. By default this is 25565.


If your server IP is something like the IP is the part before the : and the port is the part after the :. So in this case IP would be “” and Port would be “25565”.

3. Restart your server

Save all your changes to “config.yml”, then restart your Minecraft server.


After you’ve finished installing the plugin to your Minecraft server you will still need to follow the instructions in Adding a Server.